Clearance Sale

Looking to Import Himalayan Salt Lamps? Import can be hard and the risks and wait times (more than 3 months) are too high.

Look no further as we are having a clearance sale on all our Himalayan Salt Lamps and prices are as low as $4.80 per lamp which is cheaper than buying directly from Pakistan.

Every Authentic Himalayan Salt Lamp comes with:

  • 1 x Dimmer Cord
  • 2 x 15W Light Bulbs
  • High Quality Box with Bar Codes

Clearance prices are as low as:

Name Regular Price Price with 40% Discount
Himalayan Salt Lamp 4-6 Lbs $8.00 $4.80
Himalayan Salt Lamp 6-8 Lbs $9.00 $5.40
Himalayan Salt Lamp 8-10 Lbs $10.00 $6.00
Himalayan Globe Salt Lamp $12.00 $7.20
Himalayan Fire Bowl Salt Lamp $12.00 $7.20
Himalayan Pyramid Salt Lamp $12.00 $7.20
Himalayan Natural Candle Holder with Tealight - 1 Hole $2.50 $1.50


Contact us today to get this deal.

*MOQ required to get this offer.